Total Surface Area

Choose one of the following methods for computing surface area:

Manhole Size:

Mortar Requirements

Application Thickness:


Epoxy Coating Requirements

Application Thickness:

Kit size:





Total Area (ft2):

Mortar Requirements

Bags (65 lbs. ea.)Total Lbs.Total Cost ($)Selling Price ($)Selling Price per Vertical Ft. ($/VF)

Epoxy Coating Requirements

KitsTotal Gal.Total Cost ($)Selling Price ($)Selling Price per Vertical Ft. ($/VF)

Mortar & Coating Combined

 Total Cost ($)Selling Price ($)Selling Price per Vertical Ft. ($/VF)



  • For round manholes, square footage is computed:  π * D * V, where D = nominal-diameter in feet and V = vertical depth in feet.  No adjustments are made for items such as cone shape, etc.
  • Mortar requirements are based on a mortar density of 120 lb. per cubic foot. For round manholes, mortar cubic footage requirements are computed:  π * [(D / 2) 2 - (D / 2 - T / 12)2] * V, where T = mortar thickness in inches and the other variables are as defined above.  No adjustments are made for items such as waste, irregular surface profile, cone shape, etc.  The number of bags of mortar is rounded as selected, and the total lbs. required is computed from the number of bags and the bag capacity (65 lbs.).
  • For round manholes, 100% solids epoxy coating requirements in gallons are computed:  π * [(D / 2) 2 - (D / 2 - T / 1000 / 12)2] * V * 123 / 231, where T = coating thickness in mils and the other variables are as defined above.  No adjustments are made for items such as waste, etc.  The number of kits required is rounded as selected, and the total gallons required is computed from the number of kits and the chosen kit size.
  • Contact Madewell Products Corporation for current mortar & coating cost information.
  • The computation of selling price is simply the product of the material cost times the chosen cost multiplier(s).  No adjustment is made for other costs (labor, equipment, fuel, transportation, supervision, overhead, etc.) and related mark-ups that should properly be considered when determining a final selling price for a project.
  • The computational results shown on this page are rendered gratis and are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  By accessing and using this page, you agree that the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the computational results is with you.  Should the computational results prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.  In no event will Madewell Products Corporation, or any other party, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the computational results (including but not limited to losses sustained by you or third parties), even if Madewell Products Corporation or any other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.